I am an advocate for educational justice.
I believe every student deserves equal access to educational opportunities and am committed to helping you ensure that your child is receiving the free and appropriate education that they are entitled to in order to thrive and live to their potential.
Understanding your child’s rights and your rights as a parent is the first step. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) guarantees a “free and appropriate” education to all students with disabilities—but what does that really mean?
I support parents in understanding the law and the resources and choices available to them so they can be stronger advocates for their child.
Navigating the IEP Process
Whether your child already has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or you suspect he/she needs one, the process is complicated. And it’s also the single most important document for a student’s education.
Parents are the most important person of the IEP Team. They are the voice for their child, not simply the listener.
I empower parents to: know their child’s IEP inside and out, understand their rights in the process, and be the real leaders of their child’s IEP meeting.
You’re not in this alone.
Building Community
Building a community of parents and professionals who believe in educational justice is essential for change on both a micro and macro scale.
My experiences in public education have compelled me to help build a network of parents and professionals who are striving for similar outcomes: a fair and just educational plan for their child and all children.
I am always looking for opportunities to connect parents to other parents or professionals and grow our community of advocates and changemakers.